Angela Vance

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Angela Vance

Case Manager

Angela is an experienced international adoption specialist as well as a mother through international adoption. She was the assistant director and social worker of an agency for 12 years, during which time she helped place over 1400 children from 9 countries for adoption. One of her most poignant memories from adoption is being at the airport in 2010 with families adopting from Haiti when 80 children (from her agency and others) were flown from earthquake-ravaged Haiti to safety. The unexpected wash of relief and patriotic pride as the U.S. military reconnaissance plane landed in front of her and the waiting families is one she will never forget. Since leaving the world of adoption in 2017, she has worked as a hospice and medical social worker, but is thrilled to be back to her roots serving children and families all around the world. In her spare time, Angela admits she enjoys spending time way too much time on social media, watching tv shows like Heartland with her now-12-year-old daughter, and playing games on her phone. She loves the Lord, and loves serving His children through the ministry of Operation Christmas Child each year. Angela is a native resident of Florida and will also assist our Florida office with home studies as needed.